Cream cheese spritz cookies

It’s not often that I dedicate an entire post to one recipe, but this one is definitely worthy. Last week I made the most amazing spritz cookies. The magic ingredient: crack cream cheese.

Blake told me never to make them again unless we plan to give them all away, because neither one of us could refrain from sneaking several one every time we were in the kitchen. And I don’t even have a sweet tooth! I used this great recipe I came across on Pinterest and did just a few things differently.

cream cheese spritz cookies recipe || suddenly inspired blog

Cream Cheese Spritz Cookies

1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. margarine
4oz cream cheese
1 c. sugar
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 c. flour, sifted

Let butter, margarine, and cream cheese sit at room temperature awhile to soften. Cream butter, margarine, cream cheese. Beat in egg yolk and vanilla. Slowly mix in flour. Use a cookie press to place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle with colored sugar (optional) and bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes or until just before they turn brown on bottom. These cookies taste amazing if they are left a little bit soft.

The original recipe recommended chilling the dough overnight, but aint nobody got time for that I found that (for me) they came out of the cookie press much easier when I didn’t chill the dough. I also used parchment paper, which makes cooling and clean up much easier.

After cookies have cooled a bit, shovel several into your mouth before another family member comes and devours them all. Bon appétit.